gems jewels treasure

Boone County Treasure Hunt

Somewhere hidden in Boone County is $32,000 in gems and if you find it, you keep it!

The Boone County Historial Society is celebrating 100 years with a treasure hunt that has Shags and Trevor arguing, “Is this more Goonies or National Treasure?”

It’s called “Booneanza” and it starts July 13th. Teams can register for $100 to get clues. Each clue leads to the next. Whoever finds the gems first, wins them!

Technically, you can do it for free… but you won’t get any clues.

According to the BCHS, you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge, but some background in the history of Boone County may come in handy.

See all the rules and register your team now before July 13th!