Rock the Technology. Get the 96.7 KCMQ Alexa skill in the skills section of your Alexa app for fun extras.
You can’t help but think the Amazon Echo is cool. And the amount of different things you can ask Alexa is incredible. Including asking it to play your favorite Classic Rock station. Now we’ve got a cool new skill for you!
To enable the skill simply say:
“Alexa, enable Ninety Six Seven K. C. M. Q.”
From there you can open the skill whenever you want to listen to the live stream or even a variety of podcasts!
- The Morning Shag with Shags and Trevor.
- Home to Mizzou Football and Basketball!
- A variety of pod-casts by KCMQ personalities including KCMQ Morning Shag Best Of Podcast.
Follow the steps below to add the KCMQ Skill through the Amazon Echo App:

Simply say, “Alexa, play 96.7 KCMQ” and you’ll be able to rock out at the house, on the job, or where ever you have your Amazon Echo set up!