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Morning Shag Recap – Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023

In case you missed anything, or want more info on what Shags and Trevor talked about on the show, here is the Morning Shag Show Recap – 10/26/23.

KCMQ’s Holiday Prize Eliminator

  • Congrats to Mike! He took advantage of Resurrection Thursday and brought back from elimination The Jon Boat and is now qualified to win The Last Prize Standing!
  • Get the details and see the full prize list now
  • We’ll play again tomorrow at 7:35 a.m.

What Scary Movie Should Trevor Watch this Halloween Eve?!

  • Shags enjoys torturing Trevor by forcing him to watch a scary movie every Halloween and live stream his reaction on Facebook Live on Oct. 30th.
  • Previous Scary Movies Trevor has had to watch include, The Exorcist, The Thing, & The Conjuring
  • This year, Shags took your suggestions and put a scary movie bracket together. All this week, vote on each match up to determine which movie Trevor will be forced to watch for your entertainment.
  • Yesterday’s winner was The Decent. Tuesdays winner was Insidious. Monday’s winner was Sinister.
  • Today’s match up is the final match up between The Decent vs Insidious vs Sinister Vote Now

Should Halloween Always Fall on the Last Saturday in October?

  • This is an argument that has been picking up steam over the last few years, including a petition.
  • Parents of kids who trick or treat would prefer the holiday to land on a Saturday to avoid it happening on a school night.
  • Shags feels that it would break with the traditions of the holiday to change it.
  • LINK

How Listening To Your Favorite Music Can Relieve Pain

  • “Is the Morning Shag the OxyContin of Morning Radio?” – Shags
  • “No” – Trevor
  • A new study found that listening to your favorite music can help relief pain.
  • So if you’re looking for a soothing feeling to wash over you, tune in!
  • LINK

Fantasy Life Draft: Best Halloween Candy

  • Shags, Trevor, and Tim Taylor each draft a team of 3 players, you vote on who has the best team!
  • Shags Team:
    • Twix, Smarties, Reece’s Pieces
  • Trevor’s Team:
    • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
    • Sour Patch Kids
    • Starbursts
  • Tim Taylor’s Team
    • Kit Kat, Snickers, Airheads
  • After counting the votes, Trevor is this week’s winner!
  • Candies we missed:
    • Jolly Ranchers
    • M&M’s
    • Swedish Fish
    • Sweet Tarts
    • Crunch/ Krackel Bar

Any First Date Ideas You Have Are Apparently Terrible

  • A group of women put together a list of what describe as lame, terrible first date ideas… and it’s pretty much everything you would think of.
  • Going out to dinner as specific chain restaurants, going to the movies, going out for coffee, all included on the list.
  • The women who crafted this list apparently want more creative though and energy put into the first date.
  • Shags and Trevor argued, why waste a ‘good idea’ on a first date when we don’t know if we can tolerate each others company yet?
  • Fortunately, Shags and Trevor are both in committed relationships. And they will be affirming their love with their significant others after work to avoid having to go back into the dating pool.
  • LINK

What is Your Top Phobia?

  • With Halloween right around the corner, Shags and Trevor wanted to know listeners top phobias to find some of the more interesting fears in Mid-Missouri.
    • Shags: Cotton Balls
    • Trevor: Scary Movies/ Mountain Lions
    • Garbage Disposals
    • Large bodies of water
    • Belly Buttons
    • The fear of holes- Trypophobia (can manifest in sponges, swiss cheese, etc.)

Just Say Yes Questions

  • Congrats to Nicholas Fisher from Fulton, who won tickets to the KCMQ Halloween Show featuring Interstellar Overdrive: Mid-Mo’s Authentic Pink Floyd Tribute! Get your tickets now for Saturday, Oct. 28th
  • Here are the questions that Nicholas said ‘Yes’ to:
    • Is it true that you eat Smarties candy because you think it will make your smarter?
    • It is true that you do not eat Dum Dum’s candy because you feel it will make your dumber?
    • Do you enjoy finger blasting strangers double B holes just for fun?
    • Do you Hershey sqiurt yourself every time you see Trevor?
  • We’ll give you one more chance to win tickets to the show tomorrow at 8:35 a.m.
  • Remember to wear a costume! See Shags as Nic Cage in Wicker Man (Not the bee’s). Trevor will reveal his costume live on stage that night!

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