msyir2023 top moments

Morning Shag Year In Review: Top Moments of 2023

What a year!

Thank you to all of our listeners and sponsors! Without you, we could not do this show! You’re the coolest!

Here are the Top Moments of 2023 as voted on by YOU!

The bar is now set for 2024!

Listen to all of the top moments from each month of 2023 here.

12. Shags Sexy Accents

11. Trevor Ruins His Co-Workers Bachelorette Party

10. Condiments in Easter Eggs

9. The 1st Cult of Shags Meeting

8. Shags has an Auction Problem

7. Trevor’s “Childhood Trauma”

6. Shags Lights His Lawn on Fire

5. National Town Crier Day

4. Shags Misses Valentines Day

3. Classified Documents Found At The Polish Embassy

2. Best Steak In Springfield

1. Shags Stroke Spammer