shags smoker fish

Shags’ Award Show Shenanigans: The Cold Shoulder Chronicles

At the recent Lewis and Clark Conservation Awards hosted by the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation, Shags once again found himself in a cringeworthy predicament, this time ignoring Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe when he was acknowledged. In a classic display of panic, Shags awkwardly went quiet as the Lt. Governor walked by. The office erupted in laughter the next day, reveling in the chaos of the evening. To add to the hilarity, Shags’ buddy and coworker Josh Ryan penned a catchy song about the incident, complete with playful jabs and a chorus that had everyone singing along. It’s safe to say that Shags’ blunders have become legendary, much to the amusement of his colleagues!

The song: Hello Mr. Kehoe

Here are the lyrics to the song:
[Verse 1] It’s a night for conservation, But there’s a challenge that I’m facin’, And as I walk inside the venue, My heart starts really racin’, The dinner is amazing, And people are busy eating, But I’m about to make everyone sick, When they see my awkward greeting…

[Chrous] Oh, hello!, Mister Kehoe! I didn’t see you there, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe! My words are gone, So I’ll just stare, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, That’s all I had to say, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, I guess we’ll talk some other day,

[Verse 2] Hello, hey, hi, and what’s up, These are the options in front of me, But when he tapped me on the shoulder, My brain and mouth started to freeze, Now, he’s walkin’ away, I stretch my arms out and I yearn, The Lieutenant Governor knows my name, But I say nothing in return,

[Chrous] Oh, hello!, Mister Kehoe! I didn’t see you there, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe! My words are gone, So I’ll just stare, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, That’s all I had to say, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, I guess we’ll talk some other day,

[Bridge] Maybe I’m just star struck, Or maybe I’m overthinking, But the next time I see Kehoe, I’d better get an early start on drinking!

[Chrous] Oh, hello!, Mister Kehoe! I didn’t see you there, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe! My words are gone, So I’ll just stare, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, That’s all I had to say, Oh, hello, Mister Kehoe, I guess we’ll talk some other day,

UPDATE: Mike called the show!!!!!