What Is The Most Missouri Thing?

Shags and Trevor asked listeners, ‘What’s the most Missouri thing?’. Here were some of our favorite responses.

  • Bi-polar weather
  • A constant use of the word, “ope”.
  • Mispronouncing the name of our state (Missouri > Missourah)
  • Humidity
  • Sitting on the front porch while the tornado siren is blaring
  • Toasted Ravioli, Pork Steaks, and Ranch (All mixed together?)
  • Roundabouts and bike paths
  • Using ‘How ya doing’ as a greeting
  • Hating Kansas
  • Purposefully mispronouncing town names (Nevada, New Madrid, etc.)

What do you think is the most Missouri thing? Let us know on our Facebook page.

Tune in to The Morning Shag weekdays starting a 5:30a or download the podcast!